Learn to Respect and Teach Love
Learn to Respect and teach love should be at the forefront in parenting and relationships. The African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child,” must be part of our growth. Relationships are failing, and as are young, including ourselves, have fallen behind spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Yes, we all have a spiritual side, though it is neglected, abandoned, or goes unnurtured or recognized. Where a shadow resides. Leaving us unfulfilled, We must come together and surrender our ego. The jealousy and anger that have made our lives for the worse have to end for all of our sakes. Life is precious and devastating; that’s why it’s called life. Things end so new things can be born. Beliefs need updating, and fear is a way to deflect, so let us all put our guards down and begin again. Forgiveness is the key to life, which is far from an easy task but a necessary deed. GROW is not just a word; it’s a way of life and a journey of personal growth if we desire love, peace, and joy.
My friends, we must be willing to love, be peaceful, and be joyful. A reflection in the mirror gives us clarity and truth on how we can do better and care for ourselves better so we can understand others better. It is scary, non-traditional, and has nothing to do with the old ways of living. However, we are all hurting, tired, unhappy, and alone. Also, we are desperate to lay our swords down, shake hands, and cross over to the other side where we can live again. Feel alive again, maybe for the first time. We are in this together, like it or not. We are often hindered and made to feel guilty for stepping outside our circles instead of being nurtured and guided to move through life and GROW as meant to, with free will, even make mistakes, learn, and learn again.
I tell you this: we are tied together. Like seasons, people come and go, and letting go is part of the process to the bigger picture. Love is not a possession. People are not items to property, hearts are beating, and courage is within us. We have a choice. A free will and I challenge you to step out into the real world where magic exists, laughter is contagious, friendships are encouraged, trust is built, and faith encompasses our every move. This compass is within every one of us; draw from it.